Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Depressed self harming? What to do about this

We received an email from a young woman 23, who is depressed and self harming, she has stated that she is in a very difficult stage of her life and sees no hope. It is a sad fact of the matter that cutting and other forms of harm is increasing, we have predicted from our own research that unfortunately more people will turn to cutting, it is going to get worst as more people seek a way out of the corner which they feel they are backed into. If you are depressed and self harming you are not alone, in this post we will address how depression starts early in life, leading to a future generation of cutters.  A new study reveals that children who are identified as depressed from Pre School are often affected by depression straight up until middle school.



Depession starts early


As depression increases so does the risk of self harm, studies show that timing is crucial, the earlier the stressful situations can be addressed the better the chance for a hopeful outcome. If you self harm, do recognize that this action is an outward manifestation of an internal stress. When it comes to depression timing is crucial according to a new study from Washington University.


In a new study, the researchers revealed that children suffering from depression as young as age 4 were almost 3 times as likely to battle depression in elementary and middle school as children who were not depressed at very young ages.



It’s the same old bad news about depression; it is a chronic and recurrent disorder,” said child psychiatrist Joan L. Luby, MD, who directs Washington University’s Early Emotional Development Program. “But the good news is that if we can identify depression early, perhaps we have a window of opportunity to treat it more effectively and potentially change the trajectory of the illness so that it is less likely to be chronic and recurring.”


What the doctor reveals is very important, she mentions that we have a “window of opportunity” (meaning that children should be treated early), after this window closes it becomes much more difficult to treat.



The internal stresses of life start early, if you are depressed and self harming you are turning on yourself.  Internal stresses can originate from school, families, relationships or abuses; these are often the real causes for self harm. If you are self harming you are not a bad person, you have internal stresses that cause you to turn on yourself.


We highly suggest you download the Red Report and read it immediately, then read it again until you identify your root cause. The Red Report is used in 10 countries to stop self harm on your own, in private.




Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ways to stop cutting yourself? A teacher gives student a blade!

If you are seeking ways to stop cutting yourself but are tired of hearing the same old advice which really does not seem to work; you are not alone.  People trying to help who do not understand self harm often become very discouraged when they hear that a loved one or friend has started self harming. There are times when the person harming is seeking ways to stop self harm. You may want to stop cutting yourself but have just not found the solution to the problem. In a very disturbing case a teacher in the United Kingdom (England) provided the blade to a student so she could self harm.



Frustration and very little answers


Trying to get a person to stop self harm can be a very discouraging experience; the person trying to help may become very frustrated or “fed up” to hear that their continual efforts have been unsuccessful; this is possibly what is at the root cause of a teacher’s thinking to provide a blade. This very bizarre and unhelpful choice was widely reported in the news.



At Unsted Park School in England where children between the age of 7 and 16 attend there was a school policy to give the students blades when they felt they needed to self harm as along as it was supervised.  One the school policy was discovered it was quickly abandoned just six days following outraged parents and protests. There is an investigation which will render a decision against the teacher and school very shortly.

The Procedure: Officials told staff to give the student access to sterilized blades and take the child to a bathroom where the student could cut themselves.  The sad fact of the matter is that most cutters are seeking ways to stop cutting themselves; this is not an acceptable solution. The school policy is a cop-out.

The teacher waited outside the bathroom, and then monitored what the student had done. The teacher was taught how to dress and treat the wound after the self harm was complete.


Ways to stop cutting yourself? They had No answers!

The astonishing policy of allowing supervised self harm underscores the fact that most people have no solutions to self harm, why weren’t the students given “The Red Report: Self Harm solution”  to read? The report has been shown to help a person stop self harm in 10 countries by alone; yet we see the same solutions being offered to those who self harm.

The school officials admitted that they thought this was the “best solution”  ‘This was a short-term, local procedure introduced by the head teacher and school principal who genuinely believed it was in the best interests of the pupil”  said a spokesperson for Priory Group which runs the school.   Translated, this means that they had no answers to cutting.  The answer to stop cutting yourself has been revealed to thousands.


The Red Report Self Harm Solution which was started in Denmark was published to read online by cutters, it was designed for those who self harm to have a solution without therapists, doctors or even loved ones. It is downloaded regularly and read in over 10 countries for over the last 5 years.   

Read it now here